Vol 11 No 1 (February/March 2021)
Anthony Mak and Andrew Chio
Class IV restoration with direct composite resin: A case study utilising the layering-stratification technique with a novel composite system
Louis Mackenzie
Silver diamine fluoride: a practical guide
Johan Hartshorne and Andre van Zyl
COVID-19 risk management in dental practice Part 2: The infection chain pathway of SARSCoV-2
André W van Zyl and Inus Snyman
Aesthetic two stage crown lengthening for altered passive eruption: A 25-year case report and review
Andrea Klink, Fabian Hüttig and Martin Groten
All-ceramic single-tooth restorations for treating damaged dental enamel: Long-term results in patients with and without amelogenesis imperfecta
Elizabeth Meyer
Stress, burnout, substance abuse and impairment amongst members of the dental profession
Vol 11 No 2 (April/May 2021)
Andre W van Zyl and Johan Hartshorne
Masterclass in Implant Dentistry: Anatomic implant impression technique: Transferring soft tissue contour to the lab
Peet van der Vyver and Martin Vorster
Masterclass in Endodontics: Identification and management of Radix Entomolaris
Bart Iwasiuk
Class II orthodontic treatment of a growing patient using aligner treatment with mandibular advancement
Johan Hartshorne and Andre van Zyl
COVID-19 risk management in dental practice. Part 3: Are dental healthcare workers at greater risk of COVID-19 than other health professionals or general population?
Gary Bloomfield
Maximizing efficiency using 3M impression products
Troy Schmedding
Anterior matrix systems – essential to provide proper anatomical form and function to restorations
Jenaniy Jeyakumar, Anton Sculean, Sigrun Eick
Anti-biofilm activity of oral healthcare products containing chlorhexidine digluconate and Citrox®
Vol 11 No 3 (June/July 2021)
Andre W van Zyl and Michael Lazarevic
Masterclass in Implant Dentistry:Salvaging an incorrectly placed implant in a cost-effective way
Peet van der Vyver, Martin Vorster and Nicoline Potgieter
Masterclass in Endodontics: How to close an open apex with MTA
Andrew Wallace
Predictable tooth whitening outcomes
Mario Roccuzzo
Immediate placement of a new fully tapered tissue level implant
Johan Hartshorne and Andre van Zyl
COVID-19 risk management in dental practice. Part 4: The 10 pillars of SARS-CoV-2 control in clinical dental practice
Sean Holliday
Teen orthodontic treatment with clear aligners
Vol 11 No 4 (August/September 2021)
Andre W van Zyl
Masterclass in Implant Dentistry: Removing a fractured implant screw
Martin Vorster and Peet van der Vyver
Masterclass in Endodontics: Non-vital bleaching for discoloured endodontically treated teeth
Dean Morton, Waldemar Polido and Wei-Shao Lin
Current state of CAD/CAM technology in implant dentistry
Peter Doherty
Immediate placement and immediate restoration in the aesthetic zone: A review of the literature and case report
Carlos Eduardo Sabrosa
Full-arch reconstruction integrating three different cements: A case study
Kostas Karagiannopoulos
Injection moulding technique: A case study
Giovanni E Salvi
Peri-implant diseases: Risk indicators and preventive measures
Stefan Roozen
The color gradient of natural teeth and their intelligent imitation
JPJ Olivier, J Marnewick, TC Postma
DFDBA grafting versus natural healing after extraction: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial
Vol 11 No 5 (October/November 2021)
Andre W van Zyl
Masterclass in Implant Dentistry: Importance of passive suturing in implant surgery
Peet van der Vyver and Martin Vorster
Masterclass in Endodontics: How to manage C-Shaped canal configurations in mandibular molars
Louwrens Swart
Immediate implant placement and loading in a lower first molar – 1 Year follow up
Linda Greenwall
Composite smile makeover: A case study
Omar Ikram, Tyler Neal and Richard Mounce
Endodontics: single versus multiple visit
Laurent Marchand, Irena Sailer and Stefan Paul Hicklin
Hard tissue augmentation using an allogenic bone block: a clinical case report
Gianfranco Politano and Marleen Peumans
Simplified layering technique for superior-quality posterior restorations
Yurii Riznyk and Svitlana Riznyk
Stratified layering of composite restorations after the use of orthodontic aligners
Linda Greenwall and Robert Katz
Masterclass in Implant Dentistry: Importance of passive suturing in implant surgery
Vol 11 No 6 (December 2021/January 2022)
Peet J. van der Vyver, Nicoline Potgieter and Martin Vorster
Masterclass in Paedodontics: Resin restoration of Class II cavity preparations on primary molars
Paul P. van Zyl
Masterclass in Prosthodontics: Occlusal bite splint therapy: Analog and Digital workflow in full occlusal coverage bite splints
Miguel Stanley, Ana Gomes Paz, Inês Miguel and Christian Coachman
Fully digital workflow, integrating dental scan, smile design and CAD-CAM: A case report
Katherine Losada
A simplified approach to Class IV restorations using the press-mould technique
Peet J. van der Vyver and Martin Vorster
Minimally invasive, conventional and large root canal system endodontics using a new Rotary File System – Part 1
Ciro Gilvetti and Andrew Osafo
Mouth cancer: Raising awareness of the other big ‘C’
Marko Jakovac and Michele Temperani
Minimally invasive prosthetic treatment with various ceramic materials
Jan H. Koch
Enhancing esthetic outcome of soft tissues around implants
Tony Rotondo and Szabolcs Hant
Esthetic results on discoloured substructures